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The traditional background checks involved in hiring are cumbersome and time-consuming processes. It involves a lot of data mining and analysis for screening the background of the applicants. The advent of new and improved technologies have made the process of background checks more accurate, reliab ...

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FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) compliant background checks are widely being used especially for hiring in positions involving managing of finances. FCRA compliant background checks help in hiring suitable candidates in such positions. Virtual Badge is one such FCRA compliant system which helps in ...

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The internet used to be a much more anonymous space. People were able to hide their identity and use pseudonyms and false information much more easily than today. As online services and social media continue to grow, digital identification and verification have never been more important. With the in ...

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The word credentialing gets thrown around a lot in the business world, but what does it really mean? Are you credentialed for your job? Usually, credentialing means a verification or validation that a person has the skills, tools, or certifications to perform a job or service. Usually, credentials a ...

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Social engineering can be really easy if you know what you’re doing and act confident. We’ve used it to test security at many conferences, and usually, our efforts result in us getting in for free. It’s actually a pretty big issue for event security because ultimately, most conferences can’t truly c ...