Ensuring Background Checks with Faculty and Staff

Ensuring Background Checks with Faculty and Staff

Ensuring Background Checks with Faculty and Staff

What does this mean for your company?

Today, employers use background checks to verify a potential employee's history. By doing this, they are able to ensure workplace safety and protect the company’s reputation from potential risks.

Whether you are a business owner or a team manager, ensuring that your staff adheres to a standard of compliance that allows your customers to feel safe can be difficult. Right now, the systems that can verify the status of employee background checks do not talk to those which award employees access. Therefore, it is easy for information to fall through the cracks and employees to receive credentials prior to actually passing their background check.

If you, as an employer, are unable to perform a thorough background check before hiring an employee, your company could face many consequences. For instance, hiring someone with a criminal history could potentially endanger your customers or other employees. Furthermore, hiring someone who does not have the proper knowledge for their role could result in poor quality work or a lawsuit if an accident occurs. Something important to note about the situations mentioned above is the fact that all of them could lead to an even more detrimental outcome, and that is damaging your company’s reputation.

Thankfully, you can avoid this by simply ensuring that your faculty and staff have completed their background checks. You can easily do this by following some of these simple tips:

1). Distribute virtual badges to your employees

With virtual badges, you can easily grant or remove employee credentials depending on the results of an employee’s background check. Therefore, you can manage and control who can access your company’s sites and equipment.

If an employee fails their background check or chooses to leave the company, you no longer need to worry about tracking them down and retrieving their credentials. Instead, you can easily remove their access with the touch of a button.

Some other benefits include the ability to expedite your company’s onboarding process for new hires. With virtual badges, your company no longer needs to wait for slow printers and even slower mail services. Now, you can provide new hires with the proper credentials in just a few minutes.

Using virtual badges also gives you the freedom to grant temporary access to non-conventional visitors. Therefore, you can easily give on-site access to contractors and guests for the necessary period of time. Then, once their work or visit is complete, you can easily remove their access and keep your site secure.

2). Continuously perform background screenings on your employees

When ensuring background checks with your employees, it is difficult to monitor whether or not your employees commit crimes after they pass their initial background check. Therefore, you can potentially compromise the safety and security of both your employees and customers.

However, by using a system that actively monitors your employees and continuously performs background checks, you can ensure that you employ only the most qualified individuals. With this extra layer of security, you can guarantee a safe workplace to your employees and high-quality work to your customers.

3). Link employee background check results directly to their credentials

Right now, because of how time consuming the onboarding process can be, some companies start printing badges for employees before they pass their initial background check. However, this can be unsafe as it grants access to someone who may be dangerous.

By directly linking background check results to employee credentials, you can easily improve security. If someone submits a badge request and fails their initial background check, they simply will not receive a badge.

Furthermore, with a system that seamlessly integrates continuous background monitoring with credentials, badges can also be revoked automatically if an employee commits a crime. You, as the employer, can also receive a notification saying that the employee was flagged because of the background check system.

Doing this also keeps employee records in one system, which makes it easier to stay organized and verify the compliance of on-site employees. In practice, you can simply scan an employee's credentials and see their most up-to-date background check results.

In the end, linking background check results and employee credentials allows you to automate some of your administrative responsibilities, improve security, and stay more organized. All of which helps secure your company’s reputation and gives you the ability to honestly say that your employees can complete their work safely and competently.

How can you get started?

Although ensuring that employees have completed their background checks may seem like a difficult task, it is important. We already know that it can affect many different aspects of our company, such as organization, expenses, and security. So, let’s stop avoiding the inevitable and start putting the proper procedures in place today.

All we have to do now is complete three simple steps. First, let’s distribute virtual badges to our employees. Then, we can implement a system that continuously monitors background checks. Finally, we can link our employee background check results directly to their badges to make everything easily accessible.