Send Messages & Alerts To Your ID Badges

Upgrade communication between your employees, customers, contractors, visitors, and more by sending messages to your ID cards

Try Virtual Badge Now!

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Virtual Badge Upgrades Internal & External Messaging Capabilities For Your Organization

Looking up phone numbers and sending group texts can be really annoying for any business. This problem only grows bigger as an organization grows, so finding a good solution for notifying and communicating with workers is necessary. With today’s workforce becoming more mobile and with the increase in remote working, communication has never been more important.

With Virtual Badge, messages can be sent to any badge-holder at any time. These messages can be sent to everyone in your business, groups of badges based on job-title, role, or location, or sent to clocked-in users at any facility or job-site.

Learn about how Virtual Badge can greatly improve communication and coordination across your entire business, even with your customers.

Virtual Badge upgrades communication between your employees, customers, contractors, visitors, and members. Because your organization can send any badge-holder a message, update, alert, or offer, you can avoid the annoyances of sending group texts, looking up contact information, or making phone calls.

  • Select who you want to send a message or announcement to
  • Choose individual badge-holders, groups or your whole organization
  • Send messages as PUSH notifications to badge-holders
  • Badge-holders will see the messages logged in their mobile app

How Can Identity Validations Help Me?

How Do I Use This In The Real World?

  • For Healthcare

    Send announcements more easily to vendors, employees, and even the people who are visiting your facilities.

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  • For Contractors

    Virtual Badge always provides logged communication between the different organizations that you are working with.

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  • For Construction

    A site-wide announcement is easier to make with Virtual Badge, and you'll know that everyone received it.

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