Manage Your Members' Skillsets More Easily

Digital ID Badges Help Manage The Skillsets & Roles For
Your Members, Volunteers & More

Try Virtual Badge Now!

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Use Digital ID Badges To Know What Skills Your People Have Or Don't Have

Digital ID badges let you know who can do what, or if they need additional qualifications

Knowing if your members have the required skills to do their job or task can be difficult and often it falls by the wayside which can result in a higher potential for mistakes, and thus liability. Most of the time, organizations that even bother to manage skills and certifications are stuck in the 1980s or 1990s, either using massive excel spreadsheets or literally carrying suitcases of certifications around at all times.

Enter Virtual Badge, a digital ID badging system that simplifies this type of compliance tracking. Rather than storing physical copies of worker or member-skills, forgetting to check an excel spreadsheet, and worrying about whether or not all of this information is up to date, let a digital ID badge manage this information for you.

With Virtual Badge, skills, certifications, licenses, and more can be tied to each worker's secure profile and thus, represented on their Virtual Badge, and tied to any expiration dates. This type of automation gives managers peace of mind because digital ID badges manage this information for them, and will send an alert any time a skill or certification is about to expire. Along with automatically storing this information, Virtual Badge also makes it easier to organize workers based on these skills, and thus, respond to customer or organization needs more quickly and accurately.

  • Download The Virtual Badge Mobile App For iOS And Android
  • Customize Different Badges For Different Required Skills, Licenses, and Certifications
  • Members / Workers / Volunteers Upload The Corresponding Skills, Licenses, and Certifications To Their Virtual Badges
  • Management Can Easily Track Who Has What Skills & When They Might Expire
  • Management and Badge-Holders Will Be Notified If A Skill Or Certification Is About To Expire
  • Management Spends Less Time Worrying About Compliance / Skills Tracking

Types Of Skills Virtual Badge Can Manage

How Do I Use This In The Real World?

For Members

Organize members based on their skills and keep track of which members need to renew certifications.

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For Contractors

Maintain compliance and improve quality by ensuring that all of your contractors have up to date skills & certifications.

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In Business

Make your HR department’s job easier because they will be certain they are sending the right people for the job.

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