New Customer

Thanks for signup for Virtual Badge, we're looking forward to working with you. Please fill out the following form so we can get your organization set up on our end and get you started on the right foot!

Information needed so we can contact you

Information needed to set up your Virtual Badge Organization

Information needed to set up your badge types

If you need more than 3 badge types, feel free to contact us directly at +1-864-702-2343

  • Customer Information
  • Organization Information
  • Badge Types

Contact Info

Company Info

Upload logo

Max. size: 2.0 MB


List administrators using the following format. You can list at most 3 administrators. First Name, Last Name, Unique Email, Unique Mobile Phone number Ex.: John, Smith,, 1234567890


Which additional features are you interested in? (Subject to extra cost. Please ignore if you have purchased one of our packages or are filling this out at the direct request of someone from the Virtual Badge team)

Badge Type #1

Logo for the badge type

Max. size: 2.0 MB


Please enter credentials you would like to ask from your users using the following template: (Up to 3, subject to additional cost):
Name of credential, Text OR Image, Instructions for credential, Required OR Optional, Enter Expiration Date or not
Ex.: Driver's license, Image, "Please take a picture of your driver's license", required, no expiration

Badge Type #2

Logo for the badge type

Max. size: 2.0 MB


Please enter credentials you would like to ask from your users using the following template: (Up to 3, subject to additional cost):
Name of credential, Text OR Image, Instructions for credential, Required OR Optional, Enter Expiration Date or not
Ex.: Driver's license, Image, "Please take a picture of your driver's license", required, no expiration

Badge Type #3

Logo for the badge type

Max. size: 2.0 MB


Please enter credentials you would like to ask from your users using the following template: (Up to 3, subject to additional cost):
Name of credential, Text OR Image, Instructions for credential, Required OR Optional, Enter Expiration Date or not
Ex.: Driver's license, Image, "Please take a picture of your driver's license", required, no expiration