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There are many systems for Identity Access and Management (IAM). Virtual Badge has emerged as a popular IAM system. It is a paperless and highly efficient IAM system which makes use of virtual badges to create user identity and authorize and authenticate access to business applications and resources ...

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With rapid changes in the regulations and privacy becoming an important element for businesses and individuals, Identity Access and Management (IAM) systems are also evolving to keep pace with the dynamic changes. The latest emerging trends in IAM are discussed below:

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IT departments worldwide are facing the challenges of providing seamless access to business resources and applications to the staff while ensuring security. The need for uninterrupted access to resources from any time and anywhere coupled with growing security concerns are the key drivers of Identit ...

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The traditional background checks involved in hiring are cumbersome and time-consuming processes. It involves a lot of data mining and analysis for screening the background of the applicants. The advent of new and improved technologies have made the process of background checks more accurate, reliab ...

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Background checks help the companies improve their quality of recruitment and enhance their productivity. Companies conduct background checks for most key positions they hire for. The global background verification market is estimated to be $100 billion.

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FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) compliant background checks are widely being used especially for hiring in positions involving managing of finances. FCRA compliant background checks help in hiring suitable candidates in such positions. Virtual Badge is one such FCRA compliant system which helps in ...

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Workforce management is a systematic and scientific approach used for optimizing work scheduling and improving staff productivity. It ensures that the resources are deployed in the right place and at the right time. Workforce management includes scheduling, forecasting, skills management, timekeepin ...

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Virtual Badge is a revolutionary system which makes the background checks for hiring very simple and effective. Using the mobile-based platform, it integrates the background check processes with the hiring processes of the employers seamlessly. Some of the key benefits of using Virtual Badge for bac ...

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Workforce management is known to improve the productivity of organizations considerably. It schedules the tasks better and helps in more efficient allocation for resources. The manual tasks are automated by an implementation of workforce management which leads to productivity improvement. Systems li ...

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Workforce management plays a crucial role in improving productivity and ensuring the overall success of businesses. With an ever-evolving business environment, the workforce management process has also evolved drastically. Keeping abreast with the changing business dynamics and needs is important fo ...