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Blog post

The traditional, plastic ID card lifecycle leaves much to be desired. It’s creation, use, and destruction are, in many ways, open ended. We’ll discuss the limitations of each phase of the badge lifecycle, and in turn, how digital ID’s can improve on these limitations.

Blog post

The ability to rapidly process, integrate, and identify (ID Card) new workers is an integral feature of digital ID systems. Quickly bringing large amounts of workers on for the start of large new projects is crucial for contract scheduling.

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In an age of tension between anonymity and identity, the need to screen workers and vouch for reputation is greater than ever. The explosion of background screening services and programs for employees in recent years is a testament to this growing demand. Stakeholders- the owners, managers, and even ...

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Identity Access and Management (IAM) is widely being used in business for ensuring better security measures. IAM is basically a system with one or more applications which stores and manages user identities. Popular IAM systems like Virtual Badge simplifies the authorization and access to business re ...

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With rapid changes in the regulations and privacy becoming an important element for businesses and individuals, Identity Access and Management (IAM) systems are also evolving to keep pace with the dynamic changes. The latest emerging trends in IAM are discussed below: